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Monday, March 29, 2010

The Purge Is Coming.......

PETER WALSH......Peter Walsh......peter walsh......peterwalsh......perwalsh......

Oh, sorry, I'm trying to channel Peter Walsh. You know, that guy that goes around mucking in other people's, well, muck, and throwing it away. All the while speaking in soothing tones so they won't go all crazy about losing their treasures, or trash, depending on your perspective.

We could be hoarders. There, I've said it. Sean and I, if not controlled, if not embarrassed by company coming over to the house, we could be hoarders. I think I should stand up and confess, like in a 12-step program. brb. "I am a could-be-hoarder" Is there such a thing as a "could-be-hoarder". Maybe you are more of a reformed hoarder or a caterpillar hoarder. Maybe I'm writing a blog post instead of attacking the pile of stuff sitting on my desk.

This is Rosie's toy box. We are raising a hoarder. *scream* Wait, shouldn't that be *SCREAM*? I'm passing on my addiction to my child. Scientific-discovery-alert!!! It is nurture, not nature!!!

This is my desk. Okay, I've done it, I've put it out there. I'm a stacker. I start projects, don't finish, and stack. I get the mail, I glance at it and stack. I find something that will be good-for something-someday and stack.

It's spring. It's a time of renewal. It's a time of hope. It's time to show you and commit to a reasonable "after" picture. *whisper* I could hide all the stuff in the basement, take pictures, and then drag it out again. no, No, NO, bad-hoarder! It's a time of hope. I'm going to clean it all up. I'm going to *shudder* throw things away. I can do it. I can do it! It's a time of hope. Keep telling myself.....stop talking to myself....keep telling myself.... It's a time of hope. It's a time of Peter Walsh.

Okay, readers, help me. You are the accountability-blog-police. Please email me if there is not a post within a week showing a reasonably uncluttered desk and toy box.


  1. Here's my admission: I TOTALLY understand the could be hoarder thing. My goal this week is to be able to clear out the floor in front of my closet. It's a new week, so all things are possible, right?

  2. Wow, so much pink and yellow. I am the same. I was watching Hoarders last night and was thinking how close I could be to be on the show. The only room in my house that is scary is the basement.


  3. I am sooo with you on this! I could definitely see me as a hoarder. lol That is why I try to clean toyboxes and things out a few times a year.
    Thanks for following my blog. I am now a follower of yours. :)

  4. Hi - stopping by from FF - this is totally me too! glad we have that in common! have a great week! good luck!! toodles!

  5. I think almost all of us have some hoarder tendencies. The difference is that people without the real "disease" understand the necessity of spring cleaning :). Have so much fun going through your stashes.

  6. Good Luck. You'll feel so much better afterwords. I know I did! :)

  7. Oh I can be part of you club for sure! I have found that all paper that comes into the house needs to be dealt with immediately. Especially mail, I toss the junk directly to the recycling bin & then open everything and put it where it needs to go. I get rid of the mounds of stuff that comes home from school, just as efficiently. It seriously helps with the stacking! Good luck!

  8. Wow, what an excellent way of making things in order. Me too, I have to do lots of Spring cleaning in our house. My goshm I could use a panic attack :D I'm your newest follower from FF.

  9. Guilty as charged here. I'm a self-confessed hoarder too. Thanks for the follow and comment. Following you back. Please stop by my blog anytime :)

  10. im in the same boat i need help lol

    i luv your blog im following over here at

  11. Oh and I will invite you all to be a "pile-it" with me. When is the last time you could say that? That you are a pilot???
    But I also wanted to add- when you do purge, you are making room for the new things that the Universe is holding back for you. *wink*

  12. Ok- didn't make the first post. I just mentioned that my problem is magazines! I love them and hold onto them for hmmm, I know there is a reason. Wait a sec, lemme ponder that and get back to you!
    This blog is awesome and I am new to the Blogiverse- you are on the list to be visited daily.
    My blog is still under construction but will be birthed very shortly! Come and visit and make sure to bookmark it if you can't follow it yet (making new everything)


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