Who's going home tonight? The first star is leaving Dancing with the Stars tonight, who will it be?
The leading (or losing) candidates are: Kate Gosselin, Buzz Aldrin, and Aidan Turner. But you never know - Tom Bergeron said that had there been someone leaving last week, it would have been an upset. ???
If you are saying, "Aidan who?" "How old is Buzz Aldrin, anyway?" Check out this post with a run-down of all the stars (and their ages).
There's been talk and drama about Kate and her diva-like attitude. Mixed reports, but it seems that the "official" reports are the kindest, making me wonder. I always liked Kate, but I'm becoming a convert to the opinions that she is difficult to get along with. She has been dealing with so many issues in her adult life, I don't know that I would do any better. Sometimes I just want to give her a hug and say,"Relax, it'll be okay." The harder she tries, the worse she looks.
Did you see the show last night?
It was a drama filled episode with the directors focusing on disagreements between the stars and their teachers. Definitely some personality conflicts and power struggles happening on that show! (By the way, if you missed the show and want to see it now, you can watch full episodes at abc.com)
Do you love to talk about the show?
I like to jump on twitter and read #dwts tweets. (For twitter newbies, a # is a hastag that people use to identify specific-subject tweets. Using a site like Tweetgrid, you can sort the tweets and only see those with dwts comments. It's like watching the show with, oh, hundreds of your friends. And, warning, a few strangers - emphasis on the strange. You learn pretty quickly to just skip over those!)
If twitter isn't for you, the forums at abc.com are fun to read too. On the forums, I read something about the Vegas odds. Who knew there were Vegas odds on this?
Then there's always calling your best friend ( or mom!) and watching over the phone with them!