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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Facebook Like-You-Back, April 28, 2010

Welcome to Facebook Like-You-Back (the meme formerly known as Fan-You-Back) hosted by Kelly's Lucky You, Coupon Mommy of 3 and Simply Stacie! Do you like "like" or miss "fan"? Hmmm, do you dislike "like"? Anyway....

We used and Jessica (Just Jewelry by Jessica) won the #4 spot.

Are you looking for new Facebook pages to follow and new friends who like your page?
Then join us!
1. Add your Facebook page to the MckLinky (you only have to add it to one and it will appear on all)

2. Click on the Facebook link for the three hostesses and "like" them on Facebook. Leave a comment on their wall and they will fan-you-back.

3. Like as many more Facebook pages as you want, leaving comments with links so they'll know where to like-you-back.

Want to help spread the word and add this MckLinky to your blog? Write your own post telling your readers about FLYB. Below the linky box, you'll see "Want to be a part of this Blog Hop? Click here for instructions and code...." You can also find the code for the Facebook Like-You-Back Button on the sidebar at the right.

Want to be our "Facebook Page Of The Week". Under the profile picture on a Facebook page, you'll see "Suggest to Friends". Please suggest to your friends that they "like" each of the hosts - Kelly's Lucky You, Coupon Mommy of 3 and Simply Stacie! Leave a comment below, telling us that you suggested to friends and we will enter you in a drawing for the Facebook Page Of The Week next week. Next week, we will ask everyone to suggest to friends that they follow the Facebook Page of the Week. It could be you!

Thank you for participating and let's have fun!

By the way, we'd love to have you stop by our blogs too - here's where we are:
Kelly's Lucky You
Coupon Mommy of 3
Simply Stacie


  1. Sorry I linked to my blog and not to my FB pae - it won't work with my fb URL :(!

  2. My FB URL will not work either! I'm number 36 and just realized the link won't work. I will redo it I guess with my blog??

  3. I prefer the "fan" to "like" on Facebook. I'm visiting from Tuesday Tag-Along!

  4. Hi Crazy Daisy and momondealz,

    I entered your links for you. I think the problem might be when you paste in your url. Linky puts in a http:// and then the paste puts another one and it won't work with two. Next time, try deleting the "http://" that Linky has in the box and then paste.

    Thanks for hopping!


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