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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Clackity-Clack! Ride the Rails!

Rosie: Shift your gears, Mom, let's ride the rails!

Mommy: La,la,la, hum, hum, Chuggington, chugga, chugga, chugga, chugga, Chuggington.....

Rosie: Can't catch me, I'm a Koko!

Are you hearing this at your house?

Chuggington, a Disney Playhouse television show, was recently introduced in the US. It's become one of Rosie's new favorites. We've DVR'd every episode and it's her go-to choice.

The main characters are trains - chuggers. Wilson, Koko and Brewster are young "trainees" learning skills that every train car needs to know, but more importantly - how to learn, work and play together.

Designed for children aged three to six, but I have to admit, I don't mind watching it myself *blush*. The computer-generated animation is easy to watch, the stories are cute and I find myself chuckling here and there. With positive messages, I can relax and let Rosie enjoy watching.

Chuggington? In our house, it's "TRAINTASTIC!"

What is your child's favorite tv show? What do you hope to see in children's programming?


  1. My son just discovered this show ( he is 5) and he was telling me that he actually liked it. He didn't think he would like it, but he did! Thanks for stopping by my blog! Have a great day

  2. I am so glad my kids are past those type of shows. Well, at least I hope they are at 17 and 20, but who knows! LOL

  3. That looks so cute! I wish I had cable. I am following you back from Friday Follow. It's better late than never!

  4. My kids are big Berenstain Bears fans. Oivia, Dora, and Max & Ruby are big, as well.

    I didn't know about this one, we'll have to check it out.

  5. That looks so cute! I can't believe my kids haven't watched it yet. LOL

    Just stopping over to let you know that you have an award waiting for you on my blog. :)


    P.S. I would love to invite you to join our new community network for moms...Mommies Faves Mom Bloggers Network. Hope to see you there soon!

  6. My kids are all about Toopy and Binoo and the Wonder Pets! Though to be honest they will watch pretty much anything on Treehouse (Canadian childrens channel)


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