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Sunday, July 18, 2010

Movie Review - The Sorcerer's Apprentice

Jay Baruchel is lovable in his role in The Sorcerer's Apprentice. He's just a geeky college student who know much more about physics than girls. But I jump ahead. When he was ten years old, a wind-blown note from a girl leads him into a strange shop where he finds Nicholas Cage's character, Balthazar. Balthazar has been searching for decades to find Merlin's heir-to-sorcery. You guessed it! None other than our cute little nerd, David Stutler. The camera has shown us very clearly that the 10 yr old's name "David" is embroidered on his backpack. When Balthazar calls him David, David replies, "How did you know my name?" Balthazar tells him and David proceeds to act like a dog chasing it's tail and he spins around trying to read his backpack. This is typical of the humor in the movie. Yes, it's pretty simple. Yes, it's a little corny. But yes, it's also pretty funny.
There are good moments and there are some pretty awful moments. One of the good moments is an homage to Mickey Mouse, or as I call him (like Pete does), Mickey, the Mouse and Fantasia. One of the bad moments? At one point a HUGE bronze bull comes to life. HUGE. Cage hides behind a car. A car? This is a HUGE bull. Then the bull gets his horn stuck on a Volkswagen Bug Car. It was just silly. At another point, Cage is standing on a ledge and tells David about how important it is to value every moment you spend with loved ones and with supreme drama, as in draaaaaama, he falls backwards off the building. It was just silly.
I thought the good moments outweighed the bad and there were some tween-age boys behind me that said, "Awesome" over and over through out the film. Two women leaving the theater at the same time I did were humming the song from Fantasia and told me that the movie was "fantastic!". I'm not quite as enthusiastic. If you have tween-agers, I think they will love it, go to the theater. If you don't have kids who would enjoy it, my recommendation would be to wait for the DVD. It was good, but for adults, Inception, was much better.


  1. I'm dying to see this, though I'm sure I'll wait for the DVD.

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma What's For Dinner

  2. I am too. We love movie day with the kids (who are 6, 5 and 4! Thank you for this great review.


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